Like any tactical mission you need a plan. You don't go into war with out a strategy, like you don't enter Costco hungry, and especially you don't battle a mouse with no idea as to how. I thought I would do you all a favor by posting my game plan on this blog. Make sure not to leak this out. If you do just make sure not to resell for profit without giving me a cut. So enjoy and I await the call from the History Channel asking me to narrate a documentary on how to battle mice.

There may be a flaw in your battle plan because you are leaving a gap in your offense...namely you have left your sink wall unprotected. I'm also concerned because if the mouse has some sort of IED, your family doesn't have the protective armor to survive such an attack (who's running this operation, Hillary??).
were you and my Marc victorious? Has the mouse(s) been captured and properly tortured? we need an update!!!
I think that's cruel. the mouse (or mice) should be taken into custody (unharmed) and given a fair trial, and judged by their peers. Mickey and Minnie. While waiting for the trial, they should be afforded all the amenities of comfort. Kind of like club Gitmo. Innocent until proven guilty. And, by the way, if you were to injure one by the heinous spring trap (ooh ouch) that could result in a lawsuit of unparalleled proportions. Think about it Andy, you don't want to put your kids through that do you?
Concerned in Bend
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