Monday, June 2, 2008

Blog Dictionary

When I set out to do something I want to learn about that activity or thing that I am doing. It doesn't mean that I learn before I do but rather while I am in the midst of it I want to learn. An example of this is my blogging adventure. I was researching blogging terms the other day and ran across some blogging terms. I will cut and paste some for you all. I hope this is educational for you.

Blog Dictionary:

Blogging slang. What this glossary contains. (blog + jargon)

The self-worth of a blogger, as measured by the popularity of their blog

Blog voyeur
A reader of blogs who has no blog of his or her own. See also "blurker."

When a blogger ceases to care about posting on a blog.

Excessive and overly verbose posting on a blog, often unedited in a stream of consciousness style

To have lost a job because of entries posted to a blog

French blogs. Derisive term, occasionally shortened to Frog

A blogger who writes about his or her cats. More generally used to deride a blog or post as banal or boring

A reader of a blog who never comments or otherwise indicates his or her presence.

Term, potentially derisive, applied to someone new to a discussion or blog, often after the person demonstrated unfamiliarity with a concept or standards of communication of the forum. Also called "noob" or "noobie."

A blog composed of spam, or, more widely, any blog whose creator doesn't add any written value of his or her own. Synonyms include spam blog and blam, though the latter is used infrequently.

A vlog (or video blog) is a blog that contains video content. The small, but growing, segment of the blogosphere devoted to vlogs is sometimes referred to as the vlogosphere

All Terms were taken from

Cut and paste this link.,,sid9_gci1186975,00.html


Matt said...

hey, i didnt even read your blog yet, but i typed in "tuffpants" in google and it was the number one result. congrats andrew... now i will read...

Steve said...

since we are secret bloggers, does that make us sloggers?